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The Impact of Drug Laws Are Far Worse Than The Side Effects of the Drugs

The most defining moment of the 2007 International Conference on Drug Policy Reform occurred when Washington State Legislator, Roger Goodman, awkwardly echoed Richard Nixon in 1971 when Nixon stated that "drugs tear families apart".  If our legislators have lived on Earth for only a day, they have lived long enough to know that it is absurd to say that drugs tear families apart.  If they did, a trip to the pharmacy could cost someone their marriage.  That's absurd.  However, drug laws do tear families apart and we have plenty of evidence to justify this in the thousands of children that are living on the street after their parents were imprisoned for drug possession, drug trafficking or other drug-related charges.   Drugs law propaganda reaches everyone and sets the stage for failure; not the drugs. 

During the 1990s, televised commercials of a crazed woman wielding a frying pan which she uses to destroy everything in her path to demonstrate what drugs do to the brain, may have gotten public attention, but if anyone really gave it any thought, all they really did was to demonstrate just how violent anti-drug disorder (ADD2) has become in society.  ADD2 is finally being recognized by groups such as LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) whose members realize that the first goal of law enforcement is to protect citizens; not destroy their lives.   The WOD today is a brutal reminder that the US as a society can only resolve problems through violence and war.  While other countries support the UN because they would rather diplomacy than war, the US has been using the UN as a springboard to violence.  Since 2001, the US has flexed its muscle in the UN so many times that it has threatened the existence of unity throughout the world.   Here are some examples:

  • During the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks, the US persuaded other countries to join forces against terrorism or else they would be expelled from the UN and regarded as a terrorist nation which can be freely overthrown.
  • In 2003, the US turned against Iraq, a member of the UN, even though Suddam Hussein complied with every request made by the US.  In the original vote, the US was the only nation that felt war with Iraq was necessary.  When the UN reported these results, the US went after countries dependent upon assistance and threatened to sanctions that would threaten the lives of innocent human beings.  What the US was saying was:  We must kill innocent people either in your country or Iraq. 
  • Two years later, the US emerged with a demand that all nations adopt a zero tolerance policy towards drugs.  Zero tolerance outside the US is the deadliest vice a nation can impose on it's people.  Most of the European nations have been promoting harm reduction tactics that have had phenomenal results.  When these nations said no to zero tolerance, the US again threatened to draw sanctions against these nations.  What the US has accomplished throughout the world is to destroy freedom and put the US to shame.

 When the day comes that the US will be in need of assistance, other nations will let the US perish and rightfully so.