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DUE Para 2

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Claire knew she would find some evil substance in her daughter's room.  It just happened to be in the form of a few white chunks in a piece of plastic. Claire's heart was racing.   What was it?  As Claire searched, she found the dirty glass stem with the screen in it and one of those small welding kits.  None of this could have been all that frightening to Claire; she had similar experiences during her own youth, yet now her past was blocked from her mind.  She knew only that they made her daughter act the way she did, like a -- like a monster.  She was so different from the way she used to be.  Claire glanced over at a picture of Sheila and her, some time ago.  Claire wept and put everything back, just as she had found it.  Claire would wait for her daughter to come home but this time would be different.  Claire lit a cigarette, trying to remain steady.  She took the small firearm she had purchased that morning and held it to her head.  Her eyelids tightened... 


At 5:30 the door opened and Claire held her breath.  

"Hello, mother,"  Shela smiled.  "I got a couple of tickets for the movies and thought maybe the two of us would go tonight."


Claire shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care, baby.  You decide-- you decide for me."



ADD2, not to be confused with Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD), is Anti-Drug Disorder.  Hypothetically, ADD2 refers to an disturbing situation involving the fear of drugs.  While ADD2 is the attitude that maintains drug and substance suppression, it typically is the hostile struggle  to accept drugs.  In a world where everything must come down to a disorder, those who are oppressive and insistent that drug use and drug abuse are disorders should know that in a chemical society, there is no disorder linked to drug use. If there were, then most everyone in the civilized world would have such disorder.  Drug abuse is, on the other hand, a disorder.  The same is true for ADD2.  Both drug abuse and anti-drug disorder rise from the ignorance that pervades our society about drugs.   If too little is known about drug abuse, then it is hard to imagine that one can readily grasp ADD2. One can, however, become chemically dependent, that is, the craving for the drug becomes strong enough to overcome to produce chemical changes in the brain.  Chemical dependency and addiction differ because one is physical and the other is psychological.  It is possible, however, to prevent chemical dependency and recover from it. 

ADD2 is a sociological phobia that can be dangerous.  It can jeopardize the lives of those who use drugs or even those who are simply suspected of using drugs.  It is unclear just how deep ADD2 is or who might have it, since it is considered "normal" behavior.  But it is not normal at all.  It's pathological implications include domestic violence, constant suspicion, denying someone food or shelter, it can even lead to homicide.  ADD2 is unpredictable behavior and not yet recognized as a disorder.  

ADD2 occurs among everyone, all races, ethnicities, religious beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and so forth.  The only groups immune to ADD2 are the very young and those unexposed to the propaganda.  Even those in healthcare, and surprisingly, even those who repeatedly use, misuse, and abuse drugs themselves confront ADD2.  In parents, it is marked by anxiety and fear their child may be using drugs.   ADD2 is generated through the media, peers, churches, PTAs, law enforcement, and just about anyone.   It is characterized by an obsession with concern that uncommon behavior is associated with drug abuse, guilt feelings after someone has died as a result of an overdose.   But perhaps the greatest conflict arises among those who undergo drug treatment and have convinced themselves that drugs are bad.   When former drug users and abusers suddenly falter during the course of or after completing a drug treatment program, ADD2 can be the cause of anxiety, self-hate, and many times leads to homicide and even suicide.   It is probably the most common disorder of our time and the key reason why the war on drugs persists even though 76% of the US population disapprove of the war on drugs. 

The motivating factor behind ADD2 is a gross misconception and misunderstanding about drugs.  The war on drugs has created a great burden on our society and has led to a major regression in pharmacology and research.  ADD has led physicians to fail in their jobs.  It is far easier for a physician to blame physical illness on illicit drug use/abuse, than it is to work around it.  Ever since physicians were first targeted by the DEA for excessive amounts of psychoactive drug prescriptions during the early years of the Reagan administration, they have expressed a major conflict between doing their job and addressing over-regulation.

ADD2 is an education issue.  That is, like drug abuse, it has resulted from a lack of education.  As greater numbers of users surface who hold jobs and use drugs sporadically, ADD2 is diminishing.  Politicians may not recognize it, but as greater numbers are incarcerated, as more propaganda is thrust into the lives of the general population, and as "normal" drug users continue to be productive and descent citizens, the more attitudes will change.  A law enforcement organization has developed called LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) which is a milestone since it has been significantly effective in reducing ADD2.  It's almost uncanny that we are on the threshold of change.  This is the perfect time for Drug Use Education to surface and set our future life in the Electro-Chemical Age. 

Copyright C 2007